Fury as Boris Johnson accuses care homes over high Covid-19 death toll

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Anger after Johnson appears to blame care homes for their high death toll

Care leaders, unions and MPs have rounded on Boris Johnson after he accused care homes of failing to follow proper procedures amid the coronavirus crisis, saying the prime minister appeared to be shifting the blame for the high death toll.


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Ridiculous backtracking by BorisJohnson and 10DowningStreet. He says ‘care homes didn’t really follow the procedures’, totally ignoring that there were no ‘correct procedures’ to avoid asymptomatic transmission of Covid19. Conservatives ScotTories

Johnson blames care homes Care homes take Johnsons advice Johnson is to blame See...

And the 51% falls for it every time...


Seeing as how The Johnson likes 3 word slogans he may like this one. Arrogant, Arrogant, Arrogant. Any more spring to mind?

At last uk is relaxing with low cases,but unknown start of corona attack he was not ready after assuming jan franchise of parliament.


He should put his brainless father in one... ...see how that works out?

A liar, a misogynist and a racist walk into a bar. The barman says, “what’ll it be boris”?

Fully expecting him to apologise saying 'I'm sorry you felt that you had to die'

The Tories are responsible for the overall high death toll in the UK.

His precise words were 'too many care homes didn't really follow the procedures' .. which element of this is incorrect ?

Why is anyone even surprised Very angry right now

Yup care homes are saintly just giving a service.

This man is an absolute idiot. Can’t wait to move away from this country!


No 'appears' about it.

Are people really surprised? We all knew that he was a liar without a shred of honor, yet so many English people voted for him.

He’s right

How many times do we have to listen to the lies, the dishonesty, the corruption & moral bankruptcy! The man is incompetent & dangerous. And we have the harvest of Brexit to come! BorisHasFailedTheNation BorisJohnsonMustGo ToryLiars ToryCorruption

Unnecessary drugs are administered to in-patients as a matter of course to pacify or to ‘quiet’ in-patients. As a direct result of administering Cortico-steroids the immunity of in-patients has been lowered resulting in a far greater risk of fatality due to Covid-19 infections.

Are we therefore saying that they're entirely blameless?

He's clearly not taking into account the link with obesity and Covid either. People who lie with ease will always lie with ease if never called to account. AS

How dare he

PHE & NHS managers panicked & made the decision to clear all beds for incoming coronavirus victims while catastrophically pushing elderly infected patients back into care homes. The bloated bureaucratic machine was simply caught on the hop. Boris is right. Typical lefty rag BS !

Of course, just like it was his wife’s fault that he had multiple affairs, his boss’s fault he got fired twice for lying, the EU’s fault for a no deal Brexit and pub landlords fault a second COVID-19 wave....

So no one takes responsibility anymore. The Guardian blames the government for care homes incompetence. Private care homes make profits, they must mage themselves.

Here we go with govt blaming everyone and everything but themselves. My brother's care workers have done an amazing job despite a lack of clarity and leadership from our govt.

He is a dog

UK has the highest share of for-profit care homes. That's a government decision when you do not want to put more public funding into it.

This is the Tory way, blame someone else& the Tory Media desperately try to make it a fact.

Funny how the left are now frothing at the mouth with support for the perfect record of private care homes. Despite a litany of historic failures of care and closure they now allegedly did not put a foot wrong during the pandemic So no need for any reform given the perfect system

IoWBobSeely Over 30 people have died in care homes on the Isle of Wight from COVID-19. Do you agree with the PM that these deaths were the fault of the care homes themselves?

wasn't there a March video of him saying care homes were safe? or at least a screen shot of this advice? Anyone? haveigotnews ?

No wonder

Next he will be blaming the public for not adhering to govt guidance which does not apply to DominicCummngs

I know what the Protective Ring is now. Blame the Care Homes to Protect the Government.!!!!!!

I think it very likely that it was being spread from these types of places more than anywhere else. How many people working in them changed their cloths when coming and going from the work place

Care Home owners. Boris bang on correct as usual.

He did not 'accuse' them. Listen/read what was actually said

Releasing people with covid19 from hospitals into the heart of the most vulnerable people in our society was a modern equivalent of giving smallpox blankets to the Native Americans. BorisJohnson then blames the people who had no PPE and no chance of containing the outbreak

Does it surprise anyone that BorisJohnson shirks responsibility that comes with this office, his last office, the office that came before that, etc? It does what is says on the tin.

Anger as The Guardian blames the tories for absolutely everything! Again! 🤷‍♂️

Most care homes are privately owned, pay staff minimum wage & expect them to work 12 hours a day. They will have had them coming in and out of the care homes & not cared about safety before profit, so BorisJohnson is correct, those who show anger need to live in the real world

They followed procedures better than Dominic 'eyetest' Cummings

Passing the buck yet again - the man is culpable for the Covid-19 deaths of thousands - totally unfit for office

DrAlakbarov 'Appears'

Some care homes have blamed Gov't for things that were their responsibility and they failed to do. It was their own responsibility to ensure correct supplies of PPE, not the government's. Procedures in some care homes ...very lax...not all.Much of what Boris says here is true.

“appears”. Ie he didn’t but want to twist his words.

How dare he blame our Care Homes. Get angry .Watch this. Maybe give £1 to a great cause.

jighost22 Weasel words. 'Appears to'. Gutter journalism.

The UK ministry of information at it again. It's the government's fault. But put on a shirt and tie and speak politely and the lies seem plausible. Britain: OPEN YOUR EYES.

I leave it here.

pn8h4g7y1fo Yesterday.. clap for carers Today.. Throw them under the bus to save my skin Johnson really is a nasty piece of work

Please look further into this

a sorry indication how old people are treated

Saw that one coming.

DanKaszeta But BorisJohnson, haven’t you been briefed by your very own HealthSecretary, MattHancock, who stated in MAY that you had placed a “protective ring around card homes”? Or couldn’t you be arsed to read it? Or didn’t it happen?

It would be interesting to know who ordered the NHS to dump the untested elderly sick back into care homes from NHS hospitals while the Nightingale white elephants stood empty. Boris's blame game might backfire on Number 10. EnquiryNowPlease 65,000 dead demand it.

This gross pig

He’s a pathological liar and deflector. Despicable man.

He needs to stop taking advice from Donaldosaurus. T. Rump.

He got aged😢

Always said they would chuck the blame back at Care Homes, NHS, the public etc when it came to ownership of this shameful disaster. Weak and shiftless leadership. JohnsonOut JohnsonInfectedTheCareHomes

Johnson is taking the Trumpian route with this argument. Blame anyone else for your failures & never apologise. It’s what we have come to expect from this inept clown.

BorisHasFailedTheNation PiersMorgan GMB BBCBreakfast AND SO THE BLAME GAME BEGINS

Golly he looks like he is starting to melt too , covid can have lasting cognitive effects!

How could they do a better job when the sick, elderly and vulnerable were being sent back to carehomes with COVID-19 to die?

When the infection control team came to our home and we asked what we should do if we ran short on masks we were told that another care home in our area had some masks that could be shared with the other care homes locally if needed. How many masks did that home have? 60.

Even a broken clock is right twice a day


More Guardian stirring.

He is right.✌✌

Not 'appears to'. He did. Appreciate you reporting the backlash but don't do half a job.

Notice Boris Johnson has had a hair cut he looks more smarter.

How much does the B&M Gates foundation give your rag ...? Asking for a friend.

They are private enterprises. Might as well blame him for the COVID-19 on the cruise ships.

This is a shame as Boris can completely wash his hands of our care homes since the only way to complain is through local council and govt ombudsman. He clearly knows the red tape and can paper push right through to them.

It's important to be very very clear on this matter, it was government policy to return patients back into care homes from hospitals when their treatment wasn't finished, to not test them and not to prioritise PPE for home staff.

The Ceo satanist at the guardian needs to be arrested


Fuck Boris Johnson

largejack1000 It’s all so easy to blame the government & I can hear the screeching from the Guardian lovers! If The PM “appears” to blame care homes then I happen to “appear” agreeable! not all, but alot..must take responsibility for their bad management! And not use the gov as a scapegoat!

And yet...

Anger, yes. Shock, no. ToryNonsense

HerdImmunityOnCummings BorisHasFailed

He really is a rat

As if no one saw that one coming... Make a huge mess, try and spin it and blame anyone you can but yourself. It’s Tory 101, and johnson has had decades of practice.

Johnson could eat a baby on live TV,and he would still get the majority you've got to wonder why he is there in the first place

BorisJohnson you need a checkup fella Covid has got to your mind! How can you justify that one. You didn't even know what you were doing let alone care homes your the PM and caught it! Come on play fair!

Anger or fury? Make your mind up!

I wouldn't put any of my family in a care home. They all need closing down.

That is simply unacceptable! How about shinning a light on the swindling going on by his party while people are preoccupied with the crisis his incompetence have infected!

WalkingForEU He’s good at one thing only - deflecting. Any fool with half a braincell could predict care homes were going to suffer many preventable deaths due to the failure to lock down sooner and the second rate treatment of residents who were effectively barred from accessing hospitals.

Yeah,blaming others,the typical reaction of poppolists

A full independent enquiry into the handling of the pandemic should be underway. No reason to wait now that the virus seems to be in remission for the time being, the enquiry should be done as urgent, before any further outbreaks or another pandemic or national emergency occurs.

Liars will always blame others for their own mistakes. But will never blame their family, their friends and themselves.


He’ll start selling Make Britain Great Again cap soon.

'Appears to'... Though as ever when you read the full story instead of the strapline you find he didn't. In fact you find he did the actual opposite. But still, so long as you catch a few that'll do for you at the gutter press eh?

'Lion blames zebras for failing to protect themselves from being eaten'

He created mass senocide in our elderly and vulnerable, we were focused on protecting the nhs when they should have been protecting us! They hid when the virus hit empty wards and a relentless crowd fund for a pay rise! thousands died because of this! Corporate manslaughter!

And he has done what about it exactly?

Think we can all safely say that the Govt are now being pushed over, Boris is right to say that the care homes bear some responsibility - they are meant to be running their show not him.

'APPEARS TO'. Hilarious! What a complete pile of made up, sensationalist garbage from the ! He did not say that at all, he stated *facts* (I know they aren't a thing you are used to). You just can't resist spinning his words to meet your narrative. ScumMedia FakeNews

What will it take for people who voted for him to see through this maniac?

He boasted of shaking the hands of people in hospital, after being told not to. Got CoVid19. No doubt infected dozens of others. And he spouts this nonsense. He makes me feel sick to my core. Shame on his supporters.

Lets face it, care homes were always going to be a hotbed for the virus because there’s a lot of vulnerable people in reasonably close proximity. It’s no ones fault, it was inevitable. Yes the risks could have been mitigated, but it wouldn’t have helped that much.

I just don’t know how to begin to respond. It makes me want to weep. The scary thing though is the number of people who will defend him.

We all blame him, his father and Cummings. Boris Cuntinson is just as bad as Donald Trump, they're both the virus

Many people were already thinking it before he said it. So?


Disgrace of a man

Whaaaaaaat? Bojo and the Selfservatives washing the blood from their hands by blaming someone else? Never! FuckTheTories

There will be a vote if no confidence before the end of the transition period. It's a certainty.

Had Boris the Butcher decided to lock us down two weeks earlier with much stricter rules, so many of these needless deaths would be prevented. These deaths are on his hands.

- sign now! ToryLiesCostLives

BorisJohnson Conservatives show true colours Blaming front line carehomes Carers who’ve put their both their own & their families at risk, providing intimate care to critically ill Covid19 & Dementia patients. High COVID19 deaths due to Tory Covid19PandemicWithoutAPlan

What were you expecting, fools? That irresponsible clown Boris would own up to his ignorance & incompetence dealing w/ COVID19? What have you been smoking? Guy is a boy from Eaton! Spoiled, entitled, selfish & arrogant. He’ll only accept praise. Blame is always placed on others

seems to be forgetting the data is on the nhs england and DHSCgovuk website!

Well it's obviously not down to him,his govt or their appalling mishandling is it!?

He is leading the country. Not some poor workers

BoJob there looks like Bully Batson the terror of my junior school playground. One day Bully Batson came in wearing shorts when nobody else did, so all the kids he'd picked on came together and slapped hell out of his legs and he ran away from school. BoJob needs his legs slapped

Man this guy really sounds like he took a page out of the book of Trumptardia. Just blame everybody else for your shortcomings.

This is a fat silver spoon fed pillock who has been raised by a Nazi, what you expecting?

Well truth hurts

So he should we have care homes who immediately took control and have had no cases. Others are riddled with cases. They all had the same government but not the same management!


JohnERhino But he didn’t say that!!!

I’ve just decided the collective noun for Guardian readers is a ‘Cockwomble’.

When Tory rich boys get into trouble they sack the servants - Why would anyone expect anything else ?

Brexit and now a heap of erroneous decisions. Why don’t you go home?

But it is Tory Policy

Johnson is as obtuse as Trump?

Crime on the increase, Prime Minister blames careless victims.

Appears to? Nah, it was a balls-out direct blame.


Boris is a shit

There I agree with Boris over 90% of care homes private sector in it to cash it big.

i mean the government set the standards of flunking the lockdown rules though *looks at cummings*

Who are the rational public going to believe, the care homes and their dedicated, selfless staff, or this shameless, Dunning–Kruger effect Government?

No words.


UK lawyer speaks out about care homes.

Such a pig.

Some care home owners run them along the same lines as their corner shops and minicab companies

Blaming private enterprises now.

He’s back on form.

What a despicable human being you are BorisJohnson PHE are PPE changed almost daily for hospitals and care homes and was based on availability not need, the availability was down to you and lack of preparedness govt failure you would do better to own your mistakes

God, I despise this shower. How on earth are these bastards getting away with it. ToryLies COVID19 JohnsonMustGo JohnsonInfectedTheCareHomes

Seems like the UK got the same Illuminati directive to spread Covid in nursing homes to help push the “you’ll kill seniors if you go outside!” narrative that was utilized here by NYGovCuomo GovWhitmer GavinNewsom GovPritzker GovMurphy GovernorTomWolf

Sounds very trumpy of you

Oh dear, this haircut explains everything!

Still, Labour will never win another general election in the future. Keep crying about it.

Bet you a fiver that he's seen a PHE report showing the infection was seeded mainly by care workers.

Classic Trump playbook - deflection. Eventually, people will work him out...

Boris is scum BorisHasFailedBritain it’s Boris who killed people with his shambolic actions since early January no one else the buck stops with Boris. BorisJohnsonMustGo borisvirus

And that bloody Barnard Castle for luring people with promises of pretend eye tests! Bloody bastards! Probably run by bumboys or letterboxes or something. Anyway, back to good old British common sense, what?

Is it my imagination, or is BorisJohnson physically morphing into Winston Churchill. I think the new word trending is Curvey 🙄

Trump of UK

And so it begins.....

He's sold his soul to Satan

Probably true, they failed in their duty of care.

Anger&hurt. We’ve worked constantly to keep our residents&our staff teams safe, with no support or guidance until it became a way of political point scoring. Our lives, families and relationships have suffered irretrievably. But who cares eh Boris. As long as its not ur fault.

Anybody but the Clowns in charge, right Bozo?

Cummings told Boris to blame the first weakest link, next one is foreigners, next one the unemployed, next the handicapt . Preparing for building re-educating camps for the deplorables

The PM literally feels he is in an invincible elite Bullingdon Club where he can endlessly blame others for his failings - exactly the opposite attributes we need in a leader right now

Please cancel BorisJohnson He and dominiccunmings are a waste of space and carbon

Whose he going to blame for his haircut

Care homes have been let down the most This is an awful fact 😔

This was always going to be the tactic.

Of course he blames care homes, and he’ll blame the public if a second wave happens - this simply cannot surprise anyone.

Powerful wattle on the neck! King turkey!

Not everyone has the best care in the world (like you did) when they get sick you insufferable little man.

It’s not care homes’fault when the WHO and UK govt don’t get the seriousness of airborne transmission correct!! And get top notch PPE to all carers and masks on the whole public!

Would you please stop posting dick pics, thanks.

BorisHasFailedTheNation and is trying to shift the blame. ToryLies BorisJohnsonMustGo

He should shut the heathrow 2months earlier...

Bojo blame-shifting. Now there's a surprise.


Typical Teflon Tory BorisJohnson

there's no 'appears to' about it. the man is a national disgrace. ToryLiesCostLives StayHome

Of course it's the fault of care homes, just like it'll be the fault of GPs, and individual NHS trusts, and teachers, and conveniently anyone apart from the government

Crooked Tory muppet BorisHasFailedTheNation cummingsout

Tjee...bad boy

Because he did.

I blame him. Late, chaotic and lying. History won’t forget or forgive.

Where did he get that Hair Don't?

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