Nearly all Black Lives Matter protests are peaceful despite Trump narrative, report finds

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In stark contrast to right-wing claims, 93% of demonstrations have involved no serious harm to people or property

The vast majority of the thousands of Black Lives Matter protests this summer have been peaceful, with more than 93% involving no serious harm to people or damage to property, according to a new report tracking political violence in the United States.


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Yes mostly peaceful and a great cause. But. Is perceived negatively by many. Although most of them will vote for Trump anyway I hope doesn’t turn too many others against Biden. I am sure that Biden winning will do much more than the threat of protest.

White Lives Matter too... all lives matter, not just Black!!! This precious couple’s lives mattered to their family & their 5 children that are now orphans, because of this hateful, evil murderous Black on White crime!

good pupils of soviet and nazi propaganda schools are working there...

Nearly all police interactions are peaceful too...

Nearly all interactions between police and civilians in the United States (99.99%) are also peaceful. 1,004 deaths in 2019 vs 53.5m interactions

Lance63 Nearly all political protests anywhere are peaceful, unless and until police use violence against them. When that happens, news media immediately call them “violent protests.” But it is usually the police, abusing their monopoly of sanctioned violence, that resorts to violence.

Fiery but mostly peaceful!! 1 headline said. Your the dirtiest anti white bastards out there.

The ones you see in English towns predominantly made up of depressed white people are the only peaceful ones.

Anyone over a 70iq knows this isn’t true


Know what's more violent and dangerous than a BLM protest? An NFL game.



I would gladly make your staff and loisbeckett dinner reservations at a lovely Rochester dining establishment where you too can be serenaded by shattering glass and screams in your face. You may have your words roasted or pan seared but they'll be dry and bit chokey regardless.

Soooo many police are injured and shot at these peaceful protest

If that makes you feel better. All rioters are assholes.

More garbage propaganda...

Bull, just look on line at the appalling violence of BLM.

No. They are not. Nearly isn’t good enough.

yea we know

Well. There's been a lot of violent attacks on public and private property and individuals. Whites can and are also discrimitanated, the difference is that in tht case it's not called racism or xenophobia. Blacks also discriminate snf use violnece against non blacks.

And this is why the world is going to get 4 more years of Trump

Please ignore all the videos you’ve seen to the contrary BLM NothingToSeeHere

Literally hundreds in NYC over many weeks, all peaceful. Most people unaware. All not reported...

Real BLM are Marxists.Change only comes through revolution.And that only come about by collective force. The Gaurdian like Yasser Arafat & Mohammedans Speaks with fork tongue. To their brethren they speak of struggle and to the outsider they talk of peace Marxist Doctrine =

Oh, they start out peaceful...until the busloads of Soros-paid goons show up with weapons and tools for arson. We Americans get to see it every night. Peddle your bullshit elsewhere. Things get ugly every night, and our cameras catch every second of it.

That's comforting to those who had their fckn businesses BURNT DOWN!! BLMTerrorists

I call bullshit. Sure they are says a Democratic run newspapar.

If you can say that all cops are shitty and want to kill black people i can say all your protests are violent. As you guys would say there should be no bad apples in your group and the cops group

Did you see what these people did you the restaurants last night. Destroyed them chanting their bs. Arrest them all. Protest peacefully or go to jail.

And none of those that weren't are talked about by the left. Ignorant fools!

Dear Nearly all Germans did not murder 6 millions Jews. Nearly all Chinese did not murder 46 million during the Great Leap Forward. Nearly all Russians did not murder 20 million during Stalins regime. The innocent majority are irrelavant.

Sorry. Are you a news paper? Are you kidding? Have you seen and heard what's going on in the USA and UK. These people are anarchists and trouble makers! How can you print this bull?

What’s nearly all? Is it 80%

That a HUGE LIE...they are violent domestic terrorists. Take some advice BRITS...stay out of our business and our country.


why not All lives matter have they seen the children of Syria Yemen ---The men and women of the world in slavery still in this century--All Lives Matter---then go and demand an end to the crossing of human slavery and human trafficking in America

Not surprised by these stats, but to be fair what percent of police encounters with the public result in death? My estimate is less than 0.01%. So 99.99% benign. So most police officers not violent could be a headline too.

Ha,ha. Is this a joke statement? Or are you quoting Biden, Harris and Obama?

noreallyhowcome Or Joe Biden's rhetoric for that matter.

And the no shit Sherlock award goes to... blm peace protest

Domestic terrorist!!!!

People have been killed ffs 🙄

And nearly no black people are killed by police, despite the BLM narrative.

Lol, apart from the murders and violence and looting and destruction. That's like saying The Talibsb are peaceful 90% of the time.


is nothing more than progressive activists and propagandists who masquerade as objective journalists

Trump's narrative needs violent BLM participants to boost his reputation as the law-and-order-man!

LOL, right?

The Titanic’s maiden voyage was mostly peaceful.

Apart from the cities burnt down, the hundreds of business destroyed and looted, and the several dozen people killed..


Better change the name of your paper in 'The Blind Guardian'.

How many have died? How many injured? How many businesses have closed? How many didn't have insurance or won't get payments in time to save the business? How much property damage?

Media discrediting themselves daily still I see

It's no surprise that media is not reporting this fact but continues to focus on violence. Will any confront Trump with this fact

Sure ? How is it possible to be so accurate of a count ? Foolish Propaganda.

LOL Centrists here, btw

🤣🤣 mainly peaceful! We are not all stupid.

wearing a mask that is like using chicken wire as mosquito netting , moronic guardian readers how times have changed

twisted liars demanding a future of unending horrors no wonder they are also cows milk demonisers the cows ultimate nightmare

This needs to be reported more in the media. When i see the blm protests with children of all races in small towns across America it really is reassuring.

Current parallels with Mao's Revolution

TRUMP incites his vigilantes by falsely claiming BLM peaceful protesters are Marxists while applauding BRUTALITY & OPPRESSION under the guise of Law & Order!!!

Pass me that joint you’re smoking!

Trump is not peaceful

Try replaced BLM and IRA from a generation ago and see how ridiculous you sound.

Car rides are 99.9% safe it’s just that 2 seconds during the crash that kills or maims you.

Let's ask him if it true realDonaldTrump

I completely stopped reading, assumed you were racist, and then went back to reading, as I was confused. My information bubble shouldn’t be racist! “Nearly all Black Lives Matter”

The most BS article ever. In 2020 is it wrong to say anything wrong about the minority?!


Topisue56 Dear Guardian Newspaper, have you seen the replies to this tweet? Are all your readers bigots? Who do you think is to blame for the certainty of a closed mind?

I’m not drink driving as nearly all my drink is non alcoholic officer!?

This happened last night. Mostly peaceful?

If 99% of your hike was peaceful, and you get eaten by a bear at the end, was it peaceful?

Swallow this from Sasha Johnson, BLM Oxford leaver, with your apologetics...

Whites don’t kill blacks, blacks do.

7% is a whole lotta violence, and how do you define peaceful. Absolute nonsense. It’s not a Trump narrative. The narrative is coming from the left who won’t accept facts. Black people less likely to be killed by police than whites.

Nearly all police arrests are peaceful too 🙄

how stupid a business decision is it to Lie to voters, telling us our own eyes didn't see what saw, is like Jumping into a dry pool.

Then what the hell are we watching every night? Stop it

Have you been watching the same videos I have? Obviously not. Stop being so left wing and try and be a little impartial. Report the truth.

Not in the UK

Peaceful = burning down stuff, looting, defacing public property. This - not even very clever - propaganda is why you're going down the pan

I’ve only experienced respect and community at the protests I’ve attended.

FuckMarxism FuckAntifa

It's not like we don't see with our own eyes

Define 'peaceful' for me.


My mother was a virgin

Those 'mayhem and chaos' were purposefully created and instigated by Trump's own supporters who were embedded into BLM's peaceful minded protesters. Why? realDonaldTrump seanhannity IngrahamAngle PreetBharara MarkMeadows nycsouthpaw jaketapper CNNSitRoom wolfblitzer

Fake News

and Guardian expect us to pay for their 'open and independent' news? 😂

Nearly all of war is non-violent as well

Portland has been rioting for 100 days. BLM literally tore up restaurants in Rochester last night. Nobody remembers the nightly riots across every city? Atlanta Wendy’s burning? Kenosha literally burning a week ago? The guardian and this report is trash lmao

What was that phrase about lies, damn lies and statistics again?

Peaceful. Like the rioters and looters in Chicago? Kenosha? 90+ days of violence in Portland? Peaceful like Ferguson?

Legendary reporting as per.... How is it trump narrative? He didn't create the rioters so stop it with ur none partial propaganda...

'No serious harm' As in, there are no dead people and some of the buildings are still standing?

“Report finds”. 😴😴😴

Of course its true. Especially since the left redefined 'peaceful' to include looting, arson and murder.

noreallyhowcome Nearly all? What about the rest?

Correction: Despite CCTV video evidence, mugshots, cable news, live streaming, campaign stops, social media, shootings, vandalism, bankruptcy, gaslighting, astroturf community organizing...

😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 peaceful? Ok.

So much ‘Trump narrative’.

Isn’t this the same “newspaper” that told us vaccines cause autism?


That pesky ‘Trump narrative’.

Hey everyone crying 'that's not true', let's see your data refuting this study. Your feelings aren't facts.


This will upset the 'All Life Matters' brigade.

Lol try telling that to the businesses being burned down and the restaurants being harrassed by the protesters.

Then who keeps looting all those stores?

‘Every city every town, burn the precinct to the ground’ Murder rate in New York has risen 270% in recent months. Why don’t the Guardian report on that ? Why? Anyone know ? Is it not news ? Do they have their hands tied ?


We don't need anyone's narrative, we have seen multiple videos and images to come to our own conclusions: they are intimidating, violent and racist. Oh, the irony.

Here they’re breaking in to people’s homes. I’ve seen a several videos like this in recent days Not reported isn’t he Guardian. Why ?

I didn’t even know there was a Nearly all Black Lives Matter movement.🤔

what a lot of lies . peaceful is protesting its not destroying statues and public property in the uk and burning looting ,robing and attacking others in the USA .BLM paramilitary group is closer to terrorists than peaceful

This was yesterday. You won’t see this in the Guardian in a million years! A reminder that the mob are rarely on the right side of history.

Harold shipman mostly peaceful to...... so far over 30 people have been killed in the BLM riots we have all seen the videos and now everyone has woken up to it

But if it weren't for the attendant violence,and the media's 2-3-week coverage,packaging together all the worst excesses of police beatings and 'protestor' violence and putting them right in your face,over-and-over,the movement wouldn't have gained anywhere near the same coverage

When will be covering this story I think this is very much in the public interest. You have a mandate! BBCNews

It said 93% are peaceful, which means 7% aren’t. Which means the protests as a whole were not peaceful. If there is even the slightest bit of violence when conservatives protest the media is all over them like a rash calling them neo nazis and denouncing them.

I don't need fake report. Experience and my eyes tells enough the BlackLivesMatter is a rancid, evil movement hell bent on killing, looting and destroying all to cover these activist poor, shitty life choices that got them no where and want to claim the labour of others instead.

Level 'Peaceful protests intensified'

MrAndyNgo This account has hundreds of videos spanning from yesterday to months ago of riots; looting; arson, murder, assault. There are video of people being kicked to death. It’s barbaric! The Guardian and BBC doesn’t want you to see it. Why?

100% -93%=7% 7% of 7,750 = 542.5 violent protests Or does woke Math not work like that?

You are saying that 542 BLM demonstrations were harmful and created serious demage.

Yes, peaceful, except when deadly.

They're nearly all white!

Define “no serious harm”

UNTRUE, IN OUR PEACEFUL NEIGHBORHOOD, THESE idiots broke windows in our local establishments, and we are a very ‘SOUTHERN” suburb. We do not even go to the city-CHICAGO- to avoid being in this area of violence and chaos. Of course the city has a USELESS MAYOR and the State

DANGEROUS TRUMP! 'Narcissism is a mental health condition characterized by an inflated sense of self worth, an excessive need for admiration and attention, and a history of making choices to benefit themselves, along with a lack of empathy for the people that choice might hurt.'

DanKaszeta 100% - 93% = 7% Or does woke math not work like that?

Totally biased report just like the guardian.

It’s not Narrative, it’s PLAIN LIES !! Name things by its real names & Not try to be politically correct with CRIMINALS!!!

Nearly every day of Ted Bundy’s life, he didn’t kill anyone despite him being a serial killer. There has been murders and violent attacks at some protests so why not tell these facts and instead of running articles defending this behaviour? ScumMedia

Nearly all people dont have covid.... doesnt mean we shouldnt put controls in place.

Fixed it for you

...not what the videos show, you know the videos? The ones you won’t publish?

🤔 I would believe it if my feed wasn’t full of looting videos and people talking about all the damages. Also I’ve seen very aggressive activists shooting racists things. To me a lot of them looks like anarchists, looters, communist & Marxist advocates

GUARDIAN for shit...

Let’s see. Nearly 8000 protests with 5% called to violent. Do the math ! That’s nearly 400 violent protests, over 3 month. That’s 133 per month. Should I continue? This is absolutely pathetic & embarrassing reporting. Do u people even think before posting?

These results were brought to you by black lives matters, where burning cities is peaceful ✊🏿



That'll be a massive comfort to the families of those killed, the people who have had their businesses destroyed/burned to the ground and the communities where the crime rates have skyrocketed. The media narrative of 'peaceful protests' has been exposed for the bullshit it is.

You do realise that people see the videos? 30 or so people are dead as a result of these riots. You’re as bad as CNN and their mostly peaceful looting and arson

There is no need of narrative from Trump, just watch 'smoke n scan' on Youtube and you can watch it all live. Even if most protests were peaceful the rest are destabilising enough. Its like saying 'I shot the sherriff but I did not shoot the deputy'

They’re just getting bread to feed their children.

It’s what BLM call for that isn’t peaceful

This is why The Guardian needs your financial support to survive.

I only burn & loot cities 10% of the time too, do I get a pass?

Your dreaming !

Trying to tell a lie over and over so it becomes truth.

That Must be comforting for people who have had their business burnt-out

99.99% of all police interactions with minorities are peaceful

Are you trying to whitewash the violence which everyone has fucking seen for themselves? Why, that would make you part of an oppressive ideological apparatus, wouldn’t it?

Key word: NEARLY

Whatever the number is, why should it still be overlooked and excused?

Nearly all police interactions with civilians in America are peaceful.

TMGirl Wow, tRUmp pushing a false narrative? I'm shocked. FakePresident TrumpHatesVets DraftDodgerDon TrumpIsALoser PutinsPuppet

Are they blind , riots , looting ,bullying people to raise a fist

Yes, we can see that. Buildings burning, shops looted, people shot. ScumMedia FakeNews

CarolYMorrisse1 Watch the video

Nearly all police are great at their jobs too, but we still have to hear about that minority a lot, don’t we?

PEACEFUL ? that's like supporting your Jones boy when he said immigration has no bearing on our housing program , BULLS FEATHERS !

It always is a minority who cause trouble. Are you saying we should ignore the violent disruptive idiots. No they are part of the same lot who want chaos and defend police. ALL LIVES MATTER. THEY ARE RACISTS. SIMPLE!


Guardian and CNN pissing in the same pot. AllLivesMatter

The answer is NADA

How many days of rioting, looking and burning in Portland alone in the US and other cities, 100+ish now

Peaceful looting....

Um no

Peace! ✌️

May be correct mathematically, but anyone can watch scenes of violence, looting & burning from protestors 24H/day if they want to. The scale of destruction is truly unprecedented in modern U.S. history. If the protestors were committed to NVDA they would have gone home long ago.

We know...we all like to go camping and watching the campfire. The buildings ablaze in the background of peaceful protests is the same


okay karen😂

Which leaves plenty that aren’t

Ignore cities burning to the ground all over America and mass looting by rapid bl*cks, it's all peaceful, TRUMP BAD!!

Depends on how you define “peaceful”

The Titanic spent most of its maiden voyage afloat

And pointless

Nothing changes 🤷‍♂️

Fish and chip paper

Over 90 days of riots. Property damage in the tens of millions of Dollars. Over 30 people killed by the rioters. An uncountable number of innocent people violently brutally assaulted by the rioters. You are lying and trying to cover for these far left Marxists. Shame on you.

Burn Loot Murder

I guarantee you that a lot of the people destroying property at these protests are agent provocateurs secretly working for right-wing forces. I wish journalists would start investigating who the violent minority are.

93% of the world was peaceful during WW2

I don't doubt that most have been peaceful. But please let's not ignore the 7% (a significant proportion) that weren't, and not treat people who think that's a problem as being axiomatically racially bigoted.

The problem with your headline is that he says over and over and over its not the protestors causing problems its the rioters burning looting and violent. Why they hell cant yall get that through your heads?

In other news 7% of black lives matter protests were not peaceful. How much damage can 7% cause ?

Mostly peaceful

This is simply not true .

This ”peaceful” starts to sound like 2020 newspeak.

Not on Twitter they ain't

The Trump narrative is one giant lie

The Trump narrative is one giant lie

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