From Our Backyard: This seasoned home gardener grows her vegetables in repurposed plastic cups

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Cindy Tan started with flowering plants but shifted to edible ones during the pandemic – and as her garden grew, she had one trick up her sleeve that involved one humble item found in many homes.

Cindy Tan began gardening a few years ago, starting off with flowering plants. But the COVID-19 pandemic struck, leading to wet market closures and a shortage of fresh produce at supermarkets.

“During the COVID pandemic, I was lucky to be given vegetable seeds for my birthday, from a friend who had received them from the government. That’s how my journey into vegetable gardening started. It’s also a lovely idea to instil in my girl, eating more greens at home,” recalled Tan, who has an 18-year-old daughter.

“Due to the space constraints, I decided to grow leafy vegetables in plastic cups. I collect the cups whenever I buy soybean milk. You can re-use them, and they can last easily for a year or two,” she said. To prepare a simple luffa and egg dish using the home-grown gourds, she harvests one, uses a peeler to remove the coarse, ridged and dark green exterior skin, and slices the luffa into rounds.

“At the moment, I am unable to grow enough to be completely self-sufficient, but I intend to follow the government’s initiative to supply 30 per cent of my family’s consumption needs, and hopefully more in the near future,” she noted, explaining: “Presently, we have enough harvest to cook for a day or two, so I’m increasing my variety of veggies such as Brazilian spinach, bitter gourd, chye sim, naibai, lettuces, xiao bai cai, sweet potatoes, kang kong, long beans, papaya and herbs such as...


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