Federal employees feel financial pinch as shutdown drags on

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Many furloughed federal employees are having to trim their household budgets as the partial government shutdown drags on.


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Well those morons should not have voted for the Democrats.

Yup, same thing happened when Obama shutdown gov. Are you trying to say this is new.

If these government employees are banking with many of the Credit Unions are eligible for advanced pay loans if they are signed up for direct pay. The bank will advance them their pay on regular pay dates. When shutdown is over furlough pay will be used as repayment. Check it out

If we stopped paying our congressional members and the administration members salaries, they would pass a bill in 30 minutes flat.

We're trying to get the word out to affected federal employees. We'd like to pay the electricity bills of NYS federal employees impacted by the shutdown. They can sign up here for free electricity. One less bill to deal with.

Must ask those secret service staff...after next week...how they like protecting Trump...with no pay...

Let’s hope the government goes into a full shutdown, only then can there be true freedom

Who’s making more money picher you of the shutdown or Congress

At least Trump working for free members of Congress are making 187 Grand a year and work 192 days...sad

Funny they're all for a wall 5 10 15 years ago but it's Trump so no money shut it down shut it all down build the wall...

PalomaStovall And Trumo and the GOP want them to barter their services for the equivalence in rent...

Millions and millions of Americans have trimmed their household budgets all of their lives to support them.

Open borders trump open government. The Federal govt spends more in one day than Trump is asking for the wall. But Democrats want that new Latino voter base so...🤷‍♂️

Build the wall

publish what they earn please. sure some dont make much but most are better off and should have some savings. also change law if working then get paid, already lost in court for that and now they will eventually be paid extra

I feel the pinch of my household budget too as many of my taxes are paying for a congress who refuses to work. And they have the balls to criticize the Prez for going on vacations?

African-Americans are the worst affected by illegals. The Democrats should fund the wall so ALL can benefit. Let's give the money saved by controlling the border to the homeless, poor, and all Americans that need a helping hand. BuildTheWall BuildTheWall

Dems' fault

Take that 10000 raise and give it to them

I suggest they grab the nearest Democratic politician and tell them to fund the wall.

Go find another job, and stop whining!

Looks like they could use a few less meals.

They knew the risks when they took NON ESSENTIAL JOBS.

Please don't forget that Trump said he would 'be proud to own the shutdown'.

Good! They need to get off the government teet

Shame on them for not having an emergency fund! LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder

maybe they should learn to code

I have to trim mine, suck it up buttercup sportycm

Welcome to the real world! Learn how to budget like the rest of us in this country!

Support the wall and get paid!

Aren't these workers in a union? Shitty union if they are.

Awww poor things.... welcome to what NON FEDERAL employees live with every month! KeepItShutDown CloseTheBorder BuildTheDamnWall

Is this true? Pence and top Trump appointees to get $10,000 raises as hundreds of thousands of federal workers go without pay in shutdown

They'll live

So sad. Not!

OMG that's sooooooo sad. World's tiniest violin.

Dab on em 😂😂👊

Awwww, my heart breaks for them.

All essential employees made to go to work without pay need to NOT go to work! No border patrol, no corrections NO employees!!!! They would figure it out then!!


Sucks being non essential. Maybe try getting a real job and make yourself essential.

Blame the Democrats

they r sitting at home all day , get a job at walmart

Meanwhile Pence and the senior trumpers give themselves raises to start the new year...

They’ve known this was coming for how long?

Nettaaaaaaaa 😡🙏🏾

Blame Libs

Is it me or anyone realizes that only Black people are shown in news about the Shutdown and Federal employees

We can thank the TheDemocrats and the hypocrites chuckschumer and SpeakerPelosi. Walls and armed security are ok for their personal residences, but not ok for the average American. BuildTheWall

I wonder if non federal employees ever have to do this? :-/

Are these the non-essential employees? Just curious with our overspending all over the place, shouldn't we fire all non-essential employees? That's what you would do at any rational logical company or business.

Occupational hazard.

They should trim a lil harder, as they'll likely be furloughed well into February.

They should contact their Senators and ask them to FundTheWall !!!

Watch Trump’s press conference yesterday. Employees affected by the shutdown SUPPORT it until the wall is funded because they have been at the border and witnessed the INVASION firsthand.

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