Real estate investor: How to find deals, pick a good property

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Property Property Headlines News

A real-estate investor who estimates his properties have appreciated over 60% in value explains exactly what he's looking for in a property — and how he finds great deals

Part-time real estate investor Atif Afzal says his properties have gone up in value by more than 60%.He exclusively buys townhouses or condos that don't require a lot of maintenance.

Afzal, who is a full-time film composer and singer-songwriter, liked Monroe primarily because of its location. It's about 50 miles north of New York City and an easy commute in and out of Manhattan via train, he explained. Despite home prices increasing, Afzal plans to continue buying in Monroe in the near future because he knows the area, including specific neighborhoods, so well. Plus,, rather than paying a property manager to do so. Investing too far from home would complicate that process.

"That's just one big chunk of headache that's gone from your list," he said, and worth the monthly fee. He's not the only successful investor who prefers a brand new or relatively new construction. A self-made millionaire who built his wealth through real-estate investing


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