PM Trudeau, Lisa Raitt spar during question period

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'They prefer to give tax breaks and advantages to the wealthiest': Prime Minister Trudeau criticized the Conservatives saying their policies caused anemic growth under the Stephen Harper government. Watch more here: cdnpoli


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At least harper had a surplus

Yeah,I miss the Harper day when politics was run by adults no clowns...and the economy was healthy and the middle class not burdened by higher taxes and a fake carbon tax.

He has nothing but to blame Harper for everything. Meanwhile he overspends grossly and taxes everyone the most and lies about it. I can say that as a tax paying citizen through both PM's way less money left with the current PM after pay day. JustinTrudeau

canadianpoli Yep blame Harper

The tax breaks belong to low income and rich can suport Canada and do there part stop the sts 4 craves

Still talking about Harper- how weak!

Liberals prefer to raise taxes and waste money! This just in! That should help boost the economy?! Trading jobs in oil and gas for jobs as baristas! You got it figured out! Impose a carbon tax whose proceeds go directly to low income people! Best way to save the planet?

Maybe he's right about growth, but he's created a huge debt for the next generation to handle.

I'll take anemic growth over a recession every day of the week.

He is right! Nobody is falling for Andrew Scheer and his b.s. Another conservative motion defeated

Your Liberal bias is showing

I would take Stephen Harper back in a heartbeat, I personally was hoping S.H. would win the election. But to many voted for this fool Trudump. Now look at the predicament we are all in.

Still campaigning against Harper! 😂

He voted against the bill to not raise taxes !

Watch more here. What, more JustinTrudeau BS? No thanks.

So far the real rich like himself, Morneau and other are avoiding taxes at the expenses of middle class another lie to get the uninformed to vote for him

What has his policies brought, dishonesty, debt, a failing economy and investors fleeing the country, another resource company announcing its selling its stake in Canada. Auto manufacturers fleeing the country, so he calls what he's doing growing the economy, Heaven help us.

Wonder if Trudeau will be giving away his inheritance from the PE Trudeau Foundation which he will climb into when he quits politics. The foundation is nothing but bribe money from his Dad's buddies.

It is so difficult to listen to Trudeau waffle on with the same irrelevant media message tracks. Surely he can form an opinion and answer something for real? Can he?

Pffft. Lol. That’s rich. Thick and rich.

It’s funny to see all those liberal bobbing heads while their boss still babbles about Harper who left office over 3 years ago, talk about fixation.

And YOU JustinTrudeau and Liberals tax seniors and the disabled on CPP and CPPD. Those amounts are unliveable already. Do something to improve their standard of living substantially. NOW. outofsightoutofmind

Grest balance, CTV. Exactly why I can't tolerate 10 mins from any of your stations.

How do you like Trudeau’s new Carbon Taxes that will go up EVERY Year, until you can’t give anymore! You won’t be rebated back any where near what you’ll pay.

correct - pc cons are ticked they had to pay taxes for the rich under PM with less for the middle class - pc cons are all RICH many millionaires and not used to paying taxes right . like Ford once voted in they will kick you to the side of the curb with a 1 dollar beer .

Well sometimes you have to hold your nose and vote just to get rid of someone.

ctvqp He does this because he knows the people who voted for him last time are stupid enough to beleive it.

ctvqp Well, he is a fucking liar, playing on the ignorant myth of liberal niceness, when they always get more support from corporations than the conservatives. I am middle class, I pay thousands more a year in taxes now with the loss of income splitting, and now pay even more in cpp.

Hey realDonaldTrump , watch this leader, and learn something, if your little brain is capable.

He really thinks the Canadian citizens are stupid if he thinks we believe his BS... a failed leader and the nation is suffering for it. Do not be fooled by GDP numbers or unemployment stats... those are being manipulated to show a positive outlook.

I think that’s another lie from the PM, oh shocker


There's the race card and we got Trudeau playing the Harper card once again.

dah live to tax&spend&use taxes to manipulate thining of all canadians who are not 1%..yet your cabinet comprises many 1%s who have lower taxes under liberal socialist/communist government. all middle class canadians do not want you in their bedrooms!

Wow, you guys are great Liberal cheerleaders. Try to remember, you’re in the “news” business, not the Trudeau fan club.


Aenemic growth was due to a recession and financial crisis.

Justin look in the mirror and take ownership rather then blame game .. it’s getting old fast JustinTrudeau

The way this idiot PM spends tax dollars, the middle class is skrewed and will bare the blunt of the tax increases! He was born with a golden spoon in his mouth and does not know what real work means!

Trudeau himself is wealthy already!

They also wasted half a billion in outside legal fees. Why does a swingset cause so much anger but half a billion doesnt. Harper also wasted a decade needed to plan a pipeline. Sold the GM shares too. How did that work out?

Haha, Luke Trugrope has a clue what he’s talking about 🙄, he was given what to say and what to keep repeating...similar to a parrot, well, no, a parrot is likely smarter.

It’s funny how obsessed JT is of Harper & STILL mentions him/blames him for everything. It’s his “Go-To” . BTW, Harper kept Canada in a descent place during the recession, when other countries weren’t doing so well. Its JT “deflecting” his failures when he mentions Harper!😆

That all bull!

So he's reducing carbon taxes by 80 to 90% on the largest emitters, if you're a large emitter, wouldn't you be part on the wealthiest Canadian genre?

The sight of him makes me want to throw up!

A GLOBAL RECESSION caused anemic growth under the Harper government, you hypocritical, lying, a$$hat!

You should talk,(and even when you do, it's BS)Trudeau gives our money away!!!!!!!!!

Meanwhile they are filling their boots! Maple leaf, McCains Canada Goose, to name a few. Don’t forget millions to the Clinton foundation

This guy must have a serious guy crush on Harper (he must secretly admire a really competent PM). Why else is it he can't go 1 minute without mentioning the former PM who has been out of office for over 3 years?

Thinking it’s helping this clown the Farleft Propaganda Media Machine will be pumping out these juicy quote until Oct. Hey Junior, Stick to packing and hauling on a bong and skiing.

ctvqp Someone should mention to Justin that Harper is long gone from politics and is doing very well running his own firm and is in demand around the world

Double talking, Big spending, Groping Trust Fund Punk

We went through a worldwide recession under Stephen Harper and came through on the other side!! Trudeau is sending Canada towards a recession, of course through no fault of his own!

I'd say Trudeau takes advantage who pays for his nanny's?


JustinTrudeau then why was my income after tax better and my family better off sunnyways 🤮

And where's the growth under captain crayon

I’m going to preface this by saying this is not a reflection of political leanings. This is actually completely backwards. We got out of the ‘08 crisis relatively unscaved thanks to our previous government. Looks like Trudeau is vying for a job as a revisionist history teacher.

CTV, how about a little fact checking. Their's a reason I stopped watching your newscast.

Does this guy really realize what comes out if his mouth.Are his writers deliberately sabotaging him or they just dumb too?

Hey CTV, correct your headline. “Trudeau lies about Harper economic policy..........”.

ctvqp Two words... global recession. The standard of living for the average Canadian then, compared to now Such a pity!!

Both parties have budget problems but the Cons are too hateful for me.

Stephen Harper lives rent-free in Justin Trudeau’s head. (h/t Pundits Class)

Trudeau thinks Scheer will give tax breaks to the wealthiest. Meanwhile, Trudeau gives tax breaks to multi billion dollar media companies like CTV News.

Almost 4 yrs in office...and our PM still hasn't learned to address issues without mentioning Harper's name. Can't quite figure out how not one journo has called him out for this. It's the pettiest thing. Immature comes to mind as well.


ctvqp Problem for Trudeau is Harper doesn’t look so bad compared to this idiot. We were balancing budgets helping reduce the tax burden for everyone. Had FN accountable and had refugees follow proper protocol. Not once did we see Harper mock dance, not once did he embarrass us.

The rich got the biggest tax cuts under Trudeau's plan. Now revenue Canada collect even less from Justin's rich friends.

JT the useless everyone !

FAKE NEWS! U think people didn't pay attention about your middle class tax cuts and didn't follow thru. Canada is in terrible economic shape especially in West cause of your cavalier attitude and policies

Exactly. The party of hate and bigotry

So true. Harper and the Cons helped big business, push whistle dog politically scare mongering. N wonder Andy has basement approval ratings

Ya. All while the Justin’s and panamabills family trusts are hidden off shore and not subject to the new passive income rules!

so I looked at my previous two income tax returns and my federal taxes had gone up. What will my 2018 return reveal?

Trudeau prefers to give out money to terrirists and illegals. Let’s not forget wealthy Trudeau and morneau have shielded their wealth from taxes. Hypocrite

ctvqp Not saying money should go to the rich, but at least the rich give back in investment into the country, job creation and so on. So there's that!

Good grief

If we have economic growth then pay down the debt-Liberals spend and Cons pay the debts-sounds like good money management

Investing into immigration isn't economic growth... I rather money go to wealthy canadians then poor immigrants who we have to invest multi millions into. Millions in housing, healthcare, programs that give them tax breaks. I'd like the same intrest free bank loans Mr Trudeau

Harper left Trudeau with a surplus. Stop trying to blame conservatives for out of control liberal spending, incompetence & corruption on the level of treason. It's old and we aren't buying it.

CTV and boss in full Orwellian propaganda mode

Ummmmm Can the media report on the devastating deficit this fool has put us in while giving our money away to third world shitholes

Don’t worry 2016 was the last election won by first past the post... oh never mind...

Just asking, but do you really believe Justin Trudeau is the reincarnation of Jesus Christ or is it the $600M he gave you that keeps you from doing your jobs as journalists and making him accountable for anything he does?

I’m not wealthy by any means but was noticeably better off when we had a Conservative government.

It’s funny his carbon tax will only start after the next general election. And you know what, ifTrudeau win the election he will say “ people voted for the carbon tax .

Harper steered us through the 2008 recession. (Queue the liberal excuses). Turd-eau is going to put us into one.

This is how the economy had been managed under Trudeau and the Liberals. Vote out this incompetent group of fools

same context, different message, past-present-future... 'they' do, we lament... when will WE change?!

POS traitor !!!😡🇨🇦

OMG get over the Harper harping. For goodness sake, try and take responsibility for your poor choices and learn how to run a government!

Three years into his term and this idiot is still blaming Harper...

Love how a trust fund baby driving a multi million dollar car and never worked a day in his life, is now somehow portraying himself as the people's champion! Wtf would he know about anything?

Looking at the comments here, it seems there are a lot of people in this country who want to hand us over to the Koch Brothers.

And he's absolutely right. The people on ODSP and Social Assistance had cuts not increases this year. I know. I am ONE of them!

Yes under Trudeau all Canadians are screwed equally, you better off being a Saudi or an asylum seeker.

Harper is living in Justin's head rent free....

And the Liberals tax everyone, including middle class and the poor. That seems more fair doesn't it?🤑

When you JustinTrudeau stand before the Country and make promises to get elected, then break those promises, we have every right to hold you accountable. You want to blame someone? Look in the God damned mirror‼️😡

My middle class taxes have gone up and data has demonstrated that wealthy Canadians, like Trudesu and Moreau, have paid less with this Liberal government. So I say to Justin, all evidence to the contrary.

Poorest of Canadians got a one year break of 17.00 over the 2018 taxation year. Works out to about 5cents a day. Basic taxation exemption should be 20,ooo. not disgraceful amount adjusted by liberals 11,809. Liberal disgrace. Pri-k never worked day in life.

He’s not wrong

At least the Harper govt didn’t run multi billion dollar deficits that will take years to balance

'They' ? Where are your tax cuts for the low and middle income people JustinTrudeau

straight bull, no tax break for me, who is he kidding, we seem to have money for immigrants legal or otherwise and terrorists

But but taxes for 80% of the Middle Class went up 80% under Trudeau in the last THREE years!!!! And he directed the CRA to go after waitresses? All Canadians are not stupid enough to believe you Trudeau...are they?

Everyone is full of shit!!!! The END

ctvqp Sorry Trudeau, your governments performance since the last election isn’t anything to be proud of. I’ve agreed with some of your policies, but you constant gaffs and lack of leadership is where I draw the line.

MediaParty always buys LaurentianElite describing conservatives as themselves.

I haven't had a tax break from this buffoon since he's been in power. All the tax credits for kids activities and more, GONE, POOF! He's giving it all away to his globalist friends! I just hope Canadians will not re-elect this twat of a PM!

Wow. Yes we should give all our tax dollars to illegal immigrants , refugees etc and forget all about the Canadians who need it.

Irrelevant. Trudeau garners no respect.

The Liberals did say that they would use Harper as a means of manipulating voters in the run up to the election.

ctvqp Why do you always cover what Trudeau claims and not what opposition parties say. 🤔

There are people who understand political/economic ideology and then there are the comments.

ctvqp No lack of a platform here. wheresyourbreadbuttered

Obama playbook! As if we trust you to manage our money. Take take take, SocialistMarxist thinker, trust fund baby, has no clue!

Are you kidding me?!

Ummm uh uh umm Stephen Harper uh uh umm uh Stephen Harper.

I am glad to have a government that invests in its citizens again.

And he prefers to give our tax dollars to support the immigrants


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