‘Construction mafia threatens to topple SA’s economy’

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Property Property Headlines News

Death threats, malicious damage to property and serious levels of intimidation adopted by the so-called construction mafia have become a national crisis.

That is according to building stakeholders who have appealed to the ministers of police and finance to intervene in delays to major construction projects across the country caused by the Delangokubona Business Forum.


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they must be wiped out

These are not mafia, but terrorists like those in nigeria, Mozambique and other parts of africa, their mission to bring ungovernability to the country, if the government does not do something and destroy them now,soon it will be too late and we will have our own renamo, boko

problem is that big firms always find a way to circumvent empowerment programme. firms that are less than 25% black owned are also BEE Level 1 getting all preferential points.

There is nothing left to topple

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 /  🏆 28. in PROPERTY

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