Is this change to parking rules OK under the Fair Housing Act?

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If someone qualifies under the Fair Housing laws as “disabled” and needs access to parking spaces closer to the resident’s home, the HOA rules take a back seat to the Fair Housing requirements.…

The board recently voted to change the parking rules in our community for accessible stalls within the parking garage. The board says these accessible stalls for people with disabilities will be viewed as common visitor stalls subject to the same visitor parking limits. The intent of this change by the board is to punish individuals who park in these stalls for extended periods of time. My concern is this does not comply with Fair Housing Act.

Richardson, Esq. is a fellow of the College of Community Association Lawyers and partner of Richardson Ober LLP, a California law firm known for community association advice. Submit column questions to La Jolla hotel clerk suspected of attacking guest in her room and driving off pier into bayFor years, these neighbors fought plans for a fire station. Their new worry? Floods.


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